الأربعاء، 18 نوفمبر 2009

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What is behind scandals Russian grain
Last Updated 13.11.2009 [12:33]

Newspaper "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" an article by Mikhail Ckanikov under the title (and why behind the scandals of Russian grain.) It is stated that the two ships loaded with grain Rossiten are still anchored in the Syrian port since 3 months, and rejects the Syrian side because they receive the goods, according to him does not match the quality standards of local communities.


Medvedev did not rule out the imposition of further UN sanctions on Iran
Last Updated 07.11.2009 [13:32]
Did not rule out Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the imposition of further UN sanctions on Iran in the event that Tehran is building a position in the negotiations on its nuclear program. As stressed in an interview by the magazine "Der Spiegel" German, that Moscow will not issue weapons to Iran, but the defensive nature of the clear eye, and had no intention of supplying offensive weapons.


Sultanov: Moscow pay special attention to file the settlement in the Middle East
Last Updated 02.11.2009 [18:17]
The deputy Russian Foreign Minister Alexander Sultanov, that US-Russian relations - Arab, that dates back centuries breadth and diversity, remain in the basis of Russian policy towards the countries of the region. He noted in an interview to the newspaper "Moscow News," the rapprochement between the positions of Russia and Arab countries on the issues and contemporary challenges, pointing out that Moscow pay special attention to file the settlement in the Middle East.


Russian Foreign Ministry: What will be the value of the strategic arms reductions
Last Updated 29.10.2009 [16:44]
Moscow awaiting proposals from the American side regarding a reduction of strategic offensive weapons and it had been agreed on indicators of reduction during the U.S. president's visit to Moscow in July of this year. And Sergei Lavrov said on the eve of the talks that one of the "significant problems" - is "the U.S. program of strategic non-nuclear weapons" For Moscow, "the relationship between strategic offensive weapons and defensive weapons is the subject of principle"


What is the secret of Livni's visit to Moscow? .. Press Briefing on the eve of the visit
Last Updated 27.10.2009 [13:45]
Up on the evening of October 27 to Moscow, Tzipi Livni, Israel's opposition leader will meet on October 28 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Livni will discuss in Moscow the issues of Middle East peace and Iran's nuclear file to the report by the Goldstone Commission.


Activation of a special mechanism engages in Tehran will allow the reactor cooling of emotions
Last Updated 26.10.2009 [15:26]
Arrived on October 25 in Tehran a group of inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency, who would conduct a new nuclear facility near the city of Qom, which was until recently a secret Iranian project. The inspectors during their search will answer to a question whether the project was dedicated to military purposes or not.


Kyrgyz President being comprehensive reforms in the system of state administration
Last Updated 21.10.2009 [12:22]
Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev on Tuesday, October 20 from the beginning of a widespread campaign of reforms in the system of state administration. During the next few days will be canceled Office of the President of the Republic and National Security Council and the movement of their powers to a new institution - and this institution will expand the powers of the President of the State.


Remember the Kremlin as Israel fight terrorism in the Caucasus
Last Updated 20.10.2009 [13:13]
Possibility to abort the idea of a Moscow conference for peace in the Middle East, Russia has sought over the past two years to his contract. Reported by the newspaper "Jerusalem Post" in Israel.


United States trying to push Tehran to disclose the oil exporters to China
Last Updated 20.10.2009 [12:36]
The United States decided in trying to prevent the emergence of a new nuclear state not only to the sanctions imposed on Iran now. The United States began to exercise intense pressure on Arab oil-producing countries to increase crude oil exported to China. Has responded to some countries that the Committee is in a period of crisis, yearning to reap huge profits.


Heaven accommodate aircraft "Sukhoi" all
Last Updated 19.10.2009 [14:32]
Falls on October 19 the eightieth anniversary of the birth of designer Mikhail Simonov invading "Su -27" and "Su -30". He spoke Mikhail Simonov, in a statement on October 19 the newspaper "Izvestia" on the history of design and manufacture of the best examples of Russian fighters and how its cooperation with the United Arab Emirates in this area.


Contesting the results of local and municipal elections in Russia - the opposition to leave the room
Last Updated 15.10.2009 [17:42]
Deputies are leaving the meeting of the parliamentary opposition parties, the Duma on Wednesday, October 14 as an unprecedented step. For the first time in history, leave all the Vice-blocks opposition parties, the party, "the Russian Communist" Party and "liberal democratic Russia" and party "Fair Russia" conference hall to protest the many violations that occurred in their view in the elections held on Sunday October 11.


Russia and India are transmitted to the production of missiles with a super-speed
Last Updated 15.10.2009 [10:52]
Russia and India will cooperate in the design and production of advanced missiles to increase the speed of more than 3 times the speed of sound, making it virtually non-objection by means of air defense. There is no such a weapon any army in the world today. He did not specify yet the size of expenditures that will be disbursed for this project, but the billions of dollars will be used for sure.


Collective Security Treaty Organization, cross borders
Last Updated 14.10.2009 [23:23]
Newspaper "Kommersant" in the edition on October 14 an article that said: that the Collective Security Treaty Organization is seeking international recognition of the equivalent of NATO. The newspaper was ready to sign a memorandum containing the Organization's cooperation with the United Nations dealing with the fight against terrorism and the spread of drugs in all over the world in addition to the conduct of peacekeeping operations. The Association of the United Nations and NATO have signed in the past year and a similar document, prompting a protest Russia's heavy.


The new Russian military doctrine does not rule out pre-emptive nuclear strike to the enemy
Last Updated 14.10.2009 [17:10]
Declared Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia's National Security Council said in a statement made by the newspaper "Izvestia," Russian on October 14 that the new Russian military doctrine of using nuclear weapons to repel the aggression using conventional weapons, not to go to war during a large-scale wars, but also in regional and limited in scope.


Turkmenistan to visit data on gas reserves
Last Updated 13.10.2009 [17:23]
Mature in the corridors of power Turkmen scandal, with severe consequences. Al-Alam newspaper "Vremya Novostyh" informed sources in the oil and Turkmen gas that it had discovered fraud data reserves discovered and extracted from a group of gas fields in the "Ajuluhtan - Yashlarsk." Where it became clear that significant publicity about the gas reserves in Turkmenistan inflated at least twice or three times.

source:by/ hanyeldreny

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