الأربعاء، 18 نوفمبر 2009

Medical discoveries

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The choice of this phrase to our site because of the importance of this word in our lives and many Trdidna them on a daily basis .. It means peace .. And attention to health .. What rights has the most expensive ... Competing in a world where research and studies all seen the importance of the findings of the service for all people .. Our website offers this all-new in the world of medicine, health, food ... It is of interest to all keen on his health and wants to know the new scientific documented sources of the world .. As it concerns a specialist in the medical field to brief him on the new field of specialization and work .. A team of researchers, doctors and administrators are working to give you the news of informatics in medicine and health, food ... Stay abreast us and it will become clear to you the difference ..

The discovery of a weak point defenses of cancer cells Cornell University scientists have discovered a new gene therapy to eliminate cancer cells was found to prevent the activity of gene Hus1 cancer cells, which are characterized by their resistance to cell death due to loss of p53 gene leads to eliminate them easily and highly efficient Continued ... Differences linked to the discovery of stem cells and cancer cells Karolinska Institute scientists have discovered that protein EphB receptors is responsible for the different tracks stimulates the body's first division of stem cells in the intestines and prevents the other turning these cells into cancer cells and that the drug imatinib prevents the first track but does not affect the other path Continued ... The discovery of a new mechanism to prevent the growth of blood vessels Uppsala University, scientists discovered a new mechanism in the body that prevent the growth of new blood vessels Angiogenesis individuals with cancer where a protein called vascular HRG bound in the presence of activated platelets and the prevention of the growth processContinued ... The high level of phosphorus is linked to heart disease Study by scientists Providence Medical Research Center that the high phosphorus blood levels of phosphorus and injury in the early stages of chronic kidney disease is associated with increased calcification and coronary artery calcification is the indicator of an increased risk of heart disease Continued ... Green tea against oral cancer On the latest study of the University of Texas scientists to extract Green tea may help prevent cancer of the mouth where it infected individuals delay the owners of the susceptibility to decrease as the function biomarkers in the development of cancer Continued ... The discovery of new compounds related to the complexities of kidney disease University of Maryland scientists have discovered a bug ROMK protein gene organization of NGC output of potassium from the kidneys and treated with ARH proteins ROMK gene leads to prevent output of potassium through the kidneys and accumulation of blood which leads to infection cases of hyperkalemia Continued ... The discovery of a growth factor is responsible for the damage to the eye On the latest studies to the scientists of the Institute for Eye Research Hipinz that the loss of growth factor VEGF rise to the damage the retina are similar to symptoms of dry macular network, which is called the GA where the lead level has dropped to the growth factor atrophy layer of blood vessels feeding the retina CC Continued ... Charcoal to combat heart disease, kidney patients Study by scientists at Vanderbilt University that the activated charcoal by mouth Oral activated charcoal, which is known as AST-120 could be used to control the high rates of heart disease, kidney patients, where the coal to reduce atherosclerosisContinued ... The discovery of immune cells eliminate cancer University of Texas scientists have found that Th17 cells and immune cells that follow the T helper cell able to fight tumors by thwarting the attempts of the cancer cells to hide from the immune system and stimulating the production of killer T cells using the protein interleukin-17Continued ... Discovered the Achilles heel of influenza virus University of Alabama have discovered the Achilles heel of all influenza virus strains and found that antioxidants prevent the activity of protein M2, which is used by the virus in causing the damage to lung cells, which leads to the prevention of influenza infection complications such as pneumonia Continued ... The discovery of genes associated with fungal infection Two new studies showed for the scientists at the University of California and the University of Radboud genetic mutations that Dectin-1 genes and CARD9 could lead to increased risk of infection with fungi such as disease and diabetes CMC vaginal candidosis, this new discovery will help develop new ways to treat fungal infectionsContinued ... Protein is responsible for the production of insulin may be linked to diabetes University of Chicago scientists have discovered that the loss of ClC-3 channels responsible for a movement of chloride through the cell membrane is linked to obsolete diabetes, where there is a slow shift in the protein insulin within the proinsulin molecules responsible for a secretory granule excreted from the cells of the pancreas Continued ...
«1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|» Most read story Found a link between Parkinson's disease and sleeping sickness-compulsive disorder Particular protein suspended cystic lungs and the heart The discovery of the relationship between Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma A new treatment for liver cirrhosis Mitochondria defects linked to social behavior and spatial memory

More News Print The discovery of the relationship between Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma Found a link between Parkinson's disease and sleeping sickness-compulsive disorder Particular protein suspended cystic lungs and the heart Protein (CDX2) is linked to leukemia Tangerine peel to eliminate cancer

More news from memory Particular protein suspended cystic lungs and the heart Found a link between Parkinson's disease and sleeping sickness-compulsive disorder The discovery of the relationship between Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma Tangerine peel to eliminate cancer Sensitivity of nitric oxide associated with hay fever
The high level of phosphorus is linked to heart disease Study by scientists Providence Medical Research Center that the high phosphorus blood levels of phosphorus and injury in the early stages of chronic kidney disease is associated with increased calcification and coronary artery calcification is the indicator of an increased risk of heart disease Continued ... Green tea against oral cancer On the latest study of the University of Texas scientists to extract Green tea may help prevent cancer of the mouth where it infected individuals delay the owners of the susceptibility to decrease as the function biomarkers in the development of cancer Continued ... The discovery of new compounds related to the complexities of kidney disease University of Maryland scientists have discovered a bug ROMK protein gene organization of NGC output of potassium from the kidneys and treated with ARH proteins ROMK gene leads to prevent output of potassium through the kidneys and accumulation of blood which leads to infection cases of hyperkalemia Continued ... The discovery of a growth factor is responsible for the damage to the eye On the latest studies to the scientists of the Institute for Eye Research Hipinz that the loss of growth factor VEGF rise to the damage the retina are similar to symptoms of dry macular network, which is called the GA where the lead level has dropped to the growth factor atrophy layer of blood vessels feeding the retina CC Continued ... Charcoal to combat heart disease, kidney patients Study by scientists at Vanderbilt University that the activated charcoal by mouth Oral activated charcoal, which is known as AST-120 could be used to control the high rates of heart disease, kidney patients, where the coal to reduce atherosclerosisContinued ... The discovery of immune cells eliminate cancer University of Texas scientists have found that Th17 cells and immune cells that follow the T helper cell able to fight tumors by thwarting the attempts of the cancer cells to hide from the immune system and stimulating the production of killer T cells using the protein interleukin-17Continued ... Discovered the Achilles heel of influenza virus University of Alabama have discovered the Achilles heel of all influenza virus strains and found that antioxidants prevent the activity of protein M2, which is used by the virus in causing the damage to lung cells, which leads to the prevention of influenza infection complications such as pneumonia Continued ... The discovery of genes associated with fungal infection Two new studies showed for the scientists at the University of California and the University of Radboud genetic mutations that Dectin-1 genes and CARD9 could lead to increased risk of infection with fungi such as disease and diabetes CMC vaginal candidosis, this new discovery will help develop new ways to treat fungal infectionsContinued ... Protein is responsible for the production of insulin may be linked to diabetes University of Chicago scientists have discovered that the loss of ClC-3 channels responsible for a movement of chloride through the cell membrane is linked to obsolete diabetes, where there is a slow shift in the protein insulin within the proinsulin molecules responsible for a secretory granule excreted from the cells of the pancreas Continued ...

source:by/ hanyeldreny

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